‘I really thought the culture at my job was great’: Worker says manager gave her a ‘shoutout’ for doing a great job. She was fired on the same day

A work-from-home mom said that despite going above and beyond at her current position, she was fired without warning leaving her in a precarious financial position—and it happened on the same day that her manager gave her a “shout-out” at work for performing well. The woman, who posted her tearful monologue on the @2wfhmomsview TikTok …

‘I always thought the salad was for the table‘: Olive Garden server slams tables who share salad after one person orders soup and salad deal

An Olive Garden server has gone to TikTok to share her pet peeve about a common misconception regarding the restaurant’s popular soup and salad deal. The video, posted by TikTok user Diamelis (@yhlqmdlg.mel) on Jan. 16, features the server dressed in her work uniform and superimposed onto a restaurant backdrop. In the 7-second sketch, she …

‘I thought you were joking’: Customer buys house on Amazon. He’s shocked by what he got

Earlier this month, TikTok user Jeff (@hittaa_jeff) went viral after claiming that he purchased a house on Amazon. Although Jeff was not the first on the platform to do this, some users remained skeptical of whether Jeff truly bought the house. However, he reassured both the Daily Dot and those watching that he did, in …

‘I thought I was the only one’: Woman says she always peels shower curtain back when in stranger’s bathroom

Sometimes how clean someone keeps their restroom can say a lot about who they are as a person. At least that’s what one TikToker believes, and many internet users seem to share the same logic. In a recent video, TikTok creator Drika (@tablefor2podcast_) shared how it’s inevitable that she will check how clean people’s showers …