Black MDs Shatter Stereotypes, Promote Diversity on Instagram

Mar. 4, 2022 — Many applaud social media for connecting the world with the touch of a button. Others cite the opportunity to grow businesses without heavy marketing costs. But for a group of Black doctors, social media marks the chance to celebrate the ability to narrow racial disparities in medicine. “You’re a young adult …

16 Relationship Stereotypes People Are Tired Of

4. The belief that men are idiots who can’t make decisions, so women have to do it for them. “Not only is this a blatantly false and unnecessary criticism of men, but it also helps perpetuate the idea that women have to take care of their husband like you would take care of a child. …

Millennial Stereotypes That Are Wrong

7. “First its: You must go to college and get a degree. You don’t want to be flipping burgers or changing the oil in some rich guy’s car.” “*does that, incurs a lot of debt* Then its: These irresponsible millennials and their elitist liberal educations! If they’d been smart, they’d go to community college and …