Losing a parent is incredibly difficult, and dealing with the aftermath, especially when it comes to inheritance, can make things even more complicated. So, what would you do if you inherited a significant amount of money from your father only to find out that your stepmother is legally entitled to a portion of it? In …
Tag Archives: Stepmother
Her Stepmother Wants Her To Wear A Symbolic Bracelet On Her Wedding Day To Honor Their Family, But She Refuses Because She Doesn’t Believe In The Symbolism
Dealing with stepparents at weddings can make plans even more complicated. And when you’re the bride, shouldn’t you get to do and wear what you want? In today’s story, her stepmother wanted her to wear a specific family heirloom, and her refusal is causing quite a bit of drama. Let’s see why she feels like …
Her Stepmother Wants Her To Replace One Of Her Photos With An Edited Image, But She Says It’s Her Page So She Makes The Rules
There is definitely a group of people who want every image of themselves online to look picture perfect. That’s not real life, but that doesn’t matter, right? This woman’s stepmother is that way, but she’s refusing to play that game on her own Instagram page. Read the whole story so you can weigh in with …
She Made Her Hungry Niece A Meal, But Gets Yelled At By The “StepMother” For Overstepping Familial Boundaries
Living in a home with other family members can be both a blessing and a curse. You want to help where you can but also don’t want to overstep your boundaries. What would you do if your niece or nephew were hungry and their parents were asleep? Would you let them choose food? Or would …
Her Stepmother Wanted To Replace Her Real Mom, But Even Therapy Couldn’t Change What Was In Her Heart
How does someone expect to be a replacement for someone’s mother? That’s impossible. Mothers are irreplaceable. This girl got pissed because her stepmother wouldn’t back off. Check out the full story. My dad and my stepmother got married when I was 9 and I’m 17 now. They have 3 kids together. My mom died when …
Her Father And Stepmother Want Her To Let Her Stepsister Move In With Her, But She Refuses Because She Doesn’t Think She’s Her Real Sister.
It’s pretty presumptuous to assume that someone is cool with letting a person move into their house without asking. But that’s what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page! Was this woman wrong for not going along with the program? Get her story below and see what you think. “My dad …
Terrible Stepmother Tried to Take Credit for Kids That Weren’t Actually Hers, So They Put Her In Her Place In Front Of People
Facts are facts, people! Even when they happen to be inconvenient for some people… And the person you’re about to hear from decided they’d had enough of their stepmom’s nonsense so they decided to put her in her place. Take a look at what happened! “This was years ago, I was probably about ten, but …
Their Soon-To-Be Stepmother Treated Them Horribly, So They Used A Chocolate Fountain At The Wedding To Get Satisfying Revenge
If you’ve ever wondered whether there are legit “evil stepmother” stories out there, wonder no more… Because you’re about to hear a story from a Reddit user who had to deal with a stepmom who sounds like a complete and total nightmare. Check out how they handled this wicked witch… “When I was 13, so …
Stepdaughter Has Been Cruel To Her Stepmother, So She Refused To Let Her Live With The Family
This is a tough one, folks… Any time there’s a family with kids from different marriages, things are bound to get complicated. And the woman who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page wants to know if she went too far when she put her foot down. Take a look and see …
Stepmother Forces Girl to Cut Her Hair, Gets Dragged by Internet
A woman on Reddit shared that she forced her stepdaughter to cut her long hair and folks are ripping her a new one. Details here. Source: Getty Images Most folks would agree that they are particular with the way they style their manes — from long and curly locks to short, spiky cuts and everything …
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Did This Stepmother Go Too Far When She Called The Police On Her Stepson?
Blending families is no simple task, and to do it well, you have to have buy-in from absolutely every single party. In this case, OP has a 17yo daughter and her husband has a 19yo son. She doesn’t say anything about how the relationships have been up to the point she bought her daughter a …
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