15 Movies That Make No Sense, According To Reddit

Sometimes you watch a film and it makes absolutely no sense. So when Reddit user u/Beatlesfan196450 asked: “What movie made absolutely no sense?” over three thousand people shared their controversial thoughts. Here’s what they had to say below: Due to the structure of these answers, spoiler warning ahead. Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/movies-that-make-no-sense-reddit

22 Creepy Photos I Feel Like I Wasn’t Supposed To See December Reddit

22 Creepy Photos I Feel Like I Wasn’t Supposed To See December Reddit 1. This now-shattered 216-year-old gravestone with its original price — $11.18 — engraved onto the part that’s supposed to be underground: 2. This ominous chair that has bad vibes all around — 0/10 would not recommend even looking at it for too …

16 Relationship Red Flags That Are Actually Green Flags Reddit

5. “Being able to own up to and speak to personal faults and failings could easily be misread at the beginning stages of dating.” —u/crazyrich “I once told a woman I was seeing that I was having some feelings of jealousy over something, that I recognized those feelings as irrational, and that she didn’t need …

Historians take to Reddit to gloriously dispel the 'boys don't cry myth'

Who decided “big boys don’t cry”? It’s not rare to see powerful and high profile men overcome with emotion at times, but when they do, it’s usually met with some form of criticism or seen as a display of weakness. Simply put, in today’s world boys and men are simply not expected to display vulnerable …

Man Regrets Asking Wife For Open Marriage Reddit Story

Here’s the story in u/Green-Waterways-1482’s own words: “I feel like a complete idiot here. My wife and I have been married for 19 years. We have one child. Our daughter moved out this summer after she enlisted in the armed forces. I love my wife, but I felt like the spark was gone from our …

22 Funny Christmas Food Fails Reddit

22 Funny Christmas Food Fails Reddit 1. This terrifying teddy bear turkey: 2. These “candle” Christmas cookies: 3. This marzipan baby Jesus: 5. These cheesecake anuses: 6. This Christmas pudding: 7. These cookies that didn’t turn out as planned: 8. This chicken cutlet Christmas tree: 9. This Christmas creature: 10. These happy, albeit crappy, desserts: …

‘I feel so dull’: People are realizing they have long COVID thanks to a Reddit thread

After identifying with a Reddit thread for millennials, many are realizing that they might have long COVID. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic at the outset of 2020, many people who were infected with the virus have experienced long-term effects from the infection, which can range from lasting weeks to lasting months or years …

21 Weird Movies To Watch, According To Reddit

—u/dominationnation “I watched it before watching the anime when I was 12 years old. Needless to say, I was fucking baffled. But honestly, watching the anime, the final six(?) episodes with the added scenes and dialogue, and then rewatching it made it so impactful. Nothing is worse than being a teenager with a dead mom …

17 Effects Of Abusive Relationships, According To Reddit

12. “Fawning is a solid clue.” —u/Amiiboid “Fawning is one of the four F’s of trauma response, and the most problematic and misunderstood in a lot of ways: fight, flight, freeze, fawn. The first three are relatively self-explanatory but fawning typically results from chronic severe childhood abuse. Basically, at the hint of any kind of …