35 Poor Souls Who Spent A Toooooon Of Money On Something And Pretty Much Immediately Regretted It

35 Poor Souls Who Spent A Toooooon Of Money On Something And Pretty Much Immediately Regretted It 1. The person whose sandwich is, quite simply, an affront to all that’s holy: 2. The person who is either the biggest human alive or just got a plate of the world’s saddest wings: 3. The person whose …

When Does ‘Poor Things’ Go On Streaming?

Searchlight Pictures 2024 is shaping up to be Emma Stone’s year: She has received praise for her role as a disturbed home improvement host on The Curse and has several award nominations under her belt. She’s come a long way since we danced together at The Eras Tour last spring. But she’s receiving even more …

50 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Month Than You

50 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Month Than You If you just had yourself an absolutely terrible, no-good, bad-bad-bad month, just remember…. 1. The person whose cheesecake just got well-acquainted with the ground: 2. The person who had the best seat …

16 “Poor People Foods” Ruined By Rich People

—u/AJTHolt “Very true. There is a burger one in my area that serves almost $20 burgers. They’re decent burgers but not $20 decent. Freaking wild.” —u/Meattyloaf “Burgers in general, too. When I was growing up, burgers used to be the cheap food you get at the local shop/fast food joint. Nowadays, I see rich people …

Daughter Bullied A Kid For Being Poor “Trailer Trash”, So Parents Show Her What It’s Like When All Her Privileges Are Gone

Call me crazy, but I think anyone who bullies someone else because they’re poor needs a serious wake-up call. Especially a teenager so they can move forward in life knowing that it was plain WRONG. But that’s just my opinion…read this Reddit story and see if you think this dad was out of line for …

Experts Explains The Poor Quality Of H&M Clothing And Why People Should Avoid It. – ‘They know what they’re doing.’

There are few disappointments in modern life like buyer’s remorse. Imagine this. You finally get that dress you’ve had your eye on for months. You wear it out and you feel great, look great. But then you wash it carefully as the tag instructs because you’re an upstanding citizen of the H&M brigade. The result? …

I Honestly Feel Sorry For These 19 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

I Honestly Feel Sorry For These 19 Poor Souls Who Just Had A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You 1. The person whose car tire is almost comically destroyed: 2. The person whose dumb mistake will forever be immortalized on their street: 3. The person whose partner was …

‘Guess I’m too poor for Publix’: Grocery shopper can’t believe how much she paid for milk, chicken, frozen vegetables, and bread at Publix

A grocery shopper posted a viral TikTok after shopping for milk, chicken, frozen vegetables, and bread at Publix. She says shopping at Walmart will always be cheaper. TikTok user Pamela’s (@pammie_93) video has reached over 204,000 views and 14,000 likes by Friday. At the beginning of her video, Pamela says, “One thing about me, is …

A story about two pairs of boots illustrates how rich people get richer in ways poor people can't

Any time conversations about wealth and poverty come up, people inevitably start talking about boots. The standard phrase that comes up is “pull yourself up by your bootstraps,” which is usually shorthand for “work harder and don’t ask for or expect help.” (The fact that the phrase was originally used sarcastically because pulling oneself up …

‘These companies are literally robbing you in daylight’: Clothing expert warns against buying clothes from stores like H&M, says the poor quality is costing you money

We’re all a little partial to a H&M sweater or two, but, according to one clothing expert, the cost of these items outweighs any kind of benefit. She argues that while brands like H&M won’t break the bank, it will cost you in other ways. In a new TikTok, Jennifer Wang, a clothing expert, stitched …