‘I thought there was a 5-minute grace period’: Jobseeker says interviewer made big deal about her being 3 minutes late

Is being three minutes late considered really late or just kind of late? Some say that the old standard of “early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable” is becoming outdated, especially with a workforce that returning to the office after years of working from home. Shouldn’t a five-minute grace period …

Video – A mention of some modest habits of the Ottoman Empire period…

A mention of some modest habits of the Ottoman Empire era (1) Coffee and water When a guest came to the Ottoman Turks, they would offer coffee and plain water to him. If he knew that the guest wanted food, then he would arrange the best food and if he extended his hand towards coffee, …

Mother is shocked her daughter's male teacher told her to 'hold in' her period

There’s a lot of men out there that shy away from discussing menstruation with women. But any man who’s ever taken a class in basic human biology or had a mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or any other woman in their life should know the basics of how it works. That’s why a mother on the …

21 Period Pieces For Those Hooked On Oppenheimer

A 2015 docudrama thriller detailing the abhorrent true story of the titular experiment in 1971, The Stanford Prison Experiment follows professor Philip Zimbardo (Billy Crudup) and his psychological experiment that saw 18 students take on the roles of prisoners and guards in a faux prison on campus, which saw those posing as guards begin to subject …

Reddit Boyfriend Shames Girlfriend Over Period Pads

Others really honed in on the fact that OP’s boyfriend was upset that the used pads were touching his TRASH. “He doesn’t want your blood all over his trash? How ridiculous. Was he planning to frame it and hang it on the wall or something? And the suggestion that you keep them in your purse …

She Mouthed Off to a Teacher After She Got Her Period in Class. Did She Go Too Far?

What is up with teachers these days acting like total psychos when it comes to students getting their periods at school? It’s so weird! And here’s another story for you to chew on. Was this young woman out of line? Read her story and see what you think. “I 14f got my period in class. …