‘Blue check nuclear alarmism’: Verified ‘DEFCON Warning System’ stokes fears online with Russian nuke rumor

A verified Twitter account known as “DEFCON Warning System” stirred fear online after claiming to receive information about “nuclear movement in Russia.” But the account isn’t affiliated with any actual government and provided no evidence regarding the claim. “We are currently evaluating rumours of nuclear movement in Russia,” the account tweeted on Wednesday. “Please remember …

End of Nuclear power in Germany this week. Energy production…

End of Nuclear power in Germany this week. Energy production from 2000 until today. by u/Detektiv_Mittens Closed nuclear power plants replaced mostly by coal power plants. The ‘intensive use’ of German coal power plants lead to additional emissions of 15.8 million tonnes of CO2 in 2022, according to a report by consultancy Energy Brainpool commissioned …

NIKE Nuclear Launch Sites in Chicagoland circa…

NIKE Nuclear Launch Sites in Chicagoland circa 1961. by YourFriendLoke Not to be confused with the sneaker brand, a NIKE missile was a nuclear tipped air defense missile designed to wipe out Soviet bomber formations before they could reach their targets. The NIKE was not an ICBM, as ICBMs were what made NIKE missile sites …

The Onion Is Going Nuclear Against J.K. Rowling And Anti-Trans Rhetoric

In the following days, the Onion published several more stories targeting Rowling’s anti-trans rhetoric, including “Evangelical Leaders Announce J.K. Rowling Finally Bigoted Enough That It’s Okay For Kids To Read About Witchcraft” and “Conservatives Defend Their Anti-Trans Bigotry.” One article, “What To Know About ‘Hogwarts Legacy,’” also targeted the antisemitic tropes in Hogwarts Legacy, a …

All 12705 Nuclear Warheads, Spread RandomlyThere are 12705…

All 12705 Nuclear Warheads, Spread Randomly There are 12705 active nuclear warheads in the world right now (data: Federation of American Scientists). As this is fairly abstract, I took the liberty of drawing an exemplary distribution of nuclear warheads on a world map. Points are placed randomly using QGIS on the entire land area (except …

People are mad ChatGPT isn’t falling for their absurd hypotheticals about how racial slurs can stop nuclear war

ChatGPT is all the rage at the moment. In the two months since it launched, people have used the artificial intelligence (AI) to apply for jobs, write cover letters, and even create a WordPress plugin. But does this shiny new toy have a darker side? Based on its answer to a hypothetical question, some people …

Nuclear Fusion Reaches Historic Milestone

For the first time in human history, physicists achieved nuclear fusion at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) on December 5, 2022. Photo Credit: Pixabay Technically, the lab created controlled nuclear fusion by releasing more energy than put in, but there is room for improvement within both the physics and engineering parts …

This man may have saved the world from nuclear war. His story is a heart-pumper.

This article originally appeared on 09.20.17 And even if you don’t know who Petrov was, he might be the reason you’re alive today. In the 1980s, Petrov was a lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Union’s Air Defense Forces. He was in charge of watching the computers at one of the Soviety Union’s nuclear early warning …