Landlord Raises The Rent And Evicts A Beloved Neighbor, So Neighborhood Bands Together To Ruin His Investment

Being poor or on the verge of being homeless isn’t something that’s easy to explain unless you’ve been there firsthand – but if you try, you can probably imagine how scary and stressful it is. Especially if you’re a kid losing the only home you’ve ever known. OP lived in a rough neighborhood that wasn’t …

Rick Ross Reported Live While Neighbor Tyreek Hill’s House Was On Fire, But He Really Just Wanted To Talk About His Wingstop Delivery

Getty Image The only real reason somebody might not be aware that Rick Ross owns some Wingstop franchises is because they’ve never paid attention to Rick Ross ever. He pushes the restaurant chain pretty much any opportunity he gets, including when his neighbor’s home is on fire. Ross’ neighbor happens to be Miami Dolphins receiver …

Their Downstairs Neighbor Demanded That She “Walk Normal” In A Creaky Building, So They Maliciously Complied

Boy, am I glad I don’t live in an apartment building anymore. Some neighbors were so particular and they complained so much that you felt like you had to walk on eggshells in your own living space. And that’s what this woman and her husband were going through with a neighbor who just couldn’t be …

American family in Japan gets the sweetest note from their new non-English-speaking neighbor

The way we come across long-lasting friendships is often unexpected. But when you’re part of a military family. You learn to grab hold of the good people you meet and carry those friendships across states and oceans. You mark your friendships based off of what base you were stationed at when you met them and …

What's up with Wyoming? Video explains why it's 'empty' compared to twin neighbor Colorado

Most states in the U.S. have oddly shaped boundaries, largely formed by meandering waterways and coastal irregularities. But two states stand out for their seemingly defiant rectangularness—Wyoming and Colorado. These almost-twin states share a border, are almost exactly the same size (Colorado is just 1.06 times larger than Wyoming), boast basically the same shape and …

Neighbor’s Bratty Kids Mess With A Paralyzed Guy’s Wheelchair So He Yells At Them. His Neighbor Tells Him To Stop Being So Sensitive.

Kids today…they just can’t seem to keep their grubby hands off of anything and everything in their paths. And the person who wrote this story on Reddit was NOT happy about what a neighbor’s kid did. But did they go too far? Get all the details below. “A little backstory I was born paralyzed and …

Neighbor Continues To Harass His Family, So He Gets Revenge By Enlisting Thousands Of Beetles To Destroy His Rose Garden

Neighbors: they can either be delightful, invisible, or just plain AWFUL. And it sounds like the person who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page felt that their neighbor belonged in the third category. Ouch! But don’t worry, you’re about to read their story and it’s clear that they got the best of this …

Charlie Sheen’s Neighbor Was Arrested After Allegedly Attempting To Strangle Him In His Home

Getty Image The new year looks like it’s ending on a weird, unfortunate note for Charlie Sheen. According to TMZ, the Los Angeles Police Department were summoned to the actor’s home last week after he was the victim of a home invasion, which left the actor assaulted but not hospitalized. Per TMZ‘s report, on Wednesday …

‘Last night she came barging down at 3am.’ – Neighbor Keeps Complaining About Their Baby Crying And They Don’t Know What To Do

Yikes…this sounds like a touchy situation. A crying baby. A frustrated neighbor. And a whole lot of bad feelings. But did the guy who wrote this story on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page act like a total jerk? Read on to see what happened. “I am the father of a one year old toddler. …

Neighbor Demands He Change His Dog’s Name Because It’s The Same And His Daughter’s. – ‘Charlotte is my dog’s name, dude.’

Well, this is a strange one… A strange one, indeed… But that’s the beauty of Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page: you never know what you’re gonna get! Check out this guy’s story and see if you think he was out of line. “I (36M) am the owner of a Great Pyr/Australian Cattle Dog mix …

He Refused To Help A Neighbor In Freezing Weather After They Were Rude

Sometimes, you only get one shot to be nice to people, and if you don’t…well, they might just never want to deal with you ever again. That seems to be the case in this story from Reddit, but the question remains, did this guy take things too far…? “I (59M) live in a major city …

She Grounded Her Daughter After She Left Her Little Sister With a Neighbor, But Daughter Still Wants To Get Paid For Babysitting

I grew up in a family with a lot of kids, so this story really hits home. I was one of the younger kids and my parents were constantly telling my older siblings to keep an eye on me when they weren’t around…because you never know what might happen. And the mom who wrote this …