‘Maybe this is the new thing they’re starting to do.’ Woman Learns The Hard Way That Not All Jobs On LinkedIn Are Legit

Job hunting isn’t anyone’s idea of a great time, and websites like LinkedIn can make the whole process a little less painful. That said, like everywhere else on the internet, it can be tough sometimes to determine what’s real and what’s fake. TikToker Lex (@lexaveee) learned this lesson the hard way when she applied for …

This Woman Shared Her Entire Salary History On LinkedIn, And It Started An Important Conversation

“Salary transparency might feel like a taboo topic, but companies are already talking about our salaries behind closed doors. Let’s continue that conversation with the doors open so everyone can participate.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/salary-history-on-linkedin

‘Wait are people actually putting those in their LinkedIn?’: Workers mock job hunters using AI to fake their headshots

There’s been a recent uptick in internet users employing AI to improve their job prospects. Some users have reported using generative text programs like ChatGPT to improve their resumes or even write cover letters for potential jobs, while others are claiming to use the service to land the jobs of their dreams. This use of …

A son's heartfelt LinkedIn post for his father who was laid off is getting a massive response

LinkedIn is primarily a platform for working professionals to connect and find employment that aligns with their skills and values. With company layoffs continuing (even increasing in some industries) people have also used the website to courageously share their layoff experiences. While the main intent behind this is, of course, finding a new job, there …

‘The job hunt is 90% me rolling my eyes at LinkedIn postings’: Job-hunter slams entry-level position that requires 8 years of experience

A TikToker called out companies who state they want entry-level employees yet ask for nearly a decade of experience in the job description. In the video, Emma (@earthlyemmagrace) appears to be applying for jobs from the comfort of her bed. At the onset of the 20-second clip, the TikToker mocks people who state that there …

‘Idk why I thought everything on LinkedIn was legit’: Remote worker explains how she found ‘fake job’ listed on LinkedIn

Sometimes, if a job offer seems too good to be true, there’s a chance it usually is. Arguably, if there’s a position out there that pays well and offers perks you find enticing, then there’s a good chance other people do too—so why would it be freely available? Scammers, however, know that there are folks …

A son's heartfelt LinkedIn post for his father who was laid off is getting a massive response

LinkedIn is primarily a platform for working professionals to connect and find employment that aligns with their skills and values. With company layoffs continuing (even increasing in some industries) people have also used the website to courageously share their layoff experiences. While the main intent behind this is, of course, finding a new job, there …

Newsletter: Scams have moved to LinkedIn

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today’s edition of web_crawlr.  Happy Friday! Our top stories today are about: A delivery driver confronting customers who made them wait outside for 15 minutes, a security vulnerability in Bing that let someone alter the search results of millions of users, a viral warning about …

‘The crazy part is that everything about it seemed so legit’: Worker says she accepted a scam job on LinkedIn

Scams are pervasive across the internet. While many are familiar with the classic Nigerian prince email scam, scammers have since advanced into complicated schemes to try to extract money from unsuspecting internet users. In December of last year, a user on TikTok went viral after warning users about scam attempts through Facebook Marketplace. Earlier that …

A son's heartfelt LinkedIn post for his father who was laid off is getting a massive response

LinkedIn is primarily a platform for working professionals to connect and find employment that aligns with their skills and values. With company layoffs continuing (even increasing in some industries) people have also used the website to courageously share their layoff experiences. While the main intent behind this is, of course, finding a new job, there …

People On LinkedIn Say Dream Jobs Don’t Exist

“On paper, I had a dream job, a nice sounding title, and a comfortable salary at a well-regarded organization. In reality, what I really had was microaggressions, invisible minefields, and a deeply ingrained undercurrent of racial hostility that constantly tripped me up and eventually eroded my confidence and self-esteem.” —Danielle Prendergast, Ph. D Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/no-more-dream-jobs-linkedin