Kacey Musgraves Shares A Stirring Cover Of Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ For A New Chipotle Short Film

Back in 2011, Willie Nelson recorded a stirring cover of Coldplay’s “The Scientist” for a moving Chipotle short film called “Back To The Start,” which looked at problems with the modern farming industry. Kacey Musgraves has already followed in Nelson’s steps in a number of ways and now she has done so in this regard, …

Can ‘Ordinary Joe’ Fix the Sliding Doors Problem?

“Have you ever wondered what might have been?” a narrator asks in the trailer to the 1998 romantic comedy Sliding Doors? It’s a question the film dramatizes in a way designed to provoke thought by suggesting how changing just one small detail, say making or missing a train while commuting home from losing a job, …

Jerry Seinfeld Admits He Would ‘Fix Some Things’ With ‘Seinfeld’ If He Was Forced To

NBC All 180 episodes of Seinfeld hit Netflix on Friday, allowing a new generation to discover one of the ’90s most beloved and unique sitcoms. They’ll also discover, as they did with Friends, that there’s definitely some…shall we say, questionable stuff. Blackface jokes. Dated mores. And the general way the four anti-heroes often wallow in …