Eye-opening video shows dads and their daughters get real about feminism

“As the father of a daughter…” So begins many a bad take these days by men outraged over news stories about sexual assault, harassment, or inequality. While it’s good to be outraged by those things, “As the father of a daughter” holds some troubling implications: first, that it’s somehow difficult for them to see women …

This Woman Interviews People From All Walks Of Life About Their Salaries, And What She's Learned Is Eye-Opening

“I realized how pay secrecy significantly contributes to pay gaps that marginalize women, minorities, workers with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community. I came up with the idea to ask complete strangers on the street how much they make, and Salary Transparent Street was born.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaileyhansen/salary-transparent-street-pay-transparency

People Are Sharing The Lies That They Were Told As Children, And It's Very Eye-Opening

“This is going to sound silly, but I believed in the Sesame Street version of reality. It was really hard to reconcile the world as it actually is and the world as it ‘should be,’ if you side with the Sesame Street ethos.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/larryfitzmaurice/reddit-shares-lies-told-to-children

Short eye-opening video shows the world through the eyes of a kid with autism

Imagine everything you’d experience while strolling through a mall — the smells, the sights, the things to touch… Now imagine all of those feelings and sensations times, like, a hundred. For many people with autism, overstimulation is their reality. Being over- or undersensitive when processing sensory information (like sights and smells) is common for people …

Eye-opening video shows how a simple train delay is experienced by someone with autism

Everyone who lives with autism experiences it somewhat differently. You’ll often hear physicians and advocates refer to the spectrum that exists for those who are autistic, pointing to a wide range of symptoms and skills. But one thing many autistic people experience is sensory processing issues. For autistic people, processing the world around them when …

Eye-opening video explains why children stopped walking to school and why that trend should end

Over the past 40 years, a sea change has occurred in how kids get to school. Throughout most Western countries, an increasing number of children are driven to school instead of walking or taking a bike. In a new video called “Why did kids stop walking to school?” About Here’s founder, Uytae Lee, cites the …

People Are Sharing Abusive Traits That Aren't Recognized As Abuse, And It's Extremely Eye-Opening

“Taking a kid’s door. They will have privacy and control issues for life. Deny your kid any semblance of privacy, and they will become excellent at hiding things from you. It’s a power-play punishment, and not an instructive one…at least, not in the way parents hope. It’s especially backward-headed when used as a punishment for …

Children Of Divorce Revealed What It Was Like Growing Up With Separated Parents, And Their Stories Are Eye-Opening

“I developed a split personality over time. Your parents divorce because they couldn’t get along, and that concept carries into what they expect from you. What may be ‘normal’ behavior for one parent may be completely unacceptable to the other. This creates a rift in your personality, wherein you try to appease both parents.” View …

Eye-opening video explains why children stopped walking to school and why that trend should end

Over the past 40 years, a sea change has occurred in how kids get to school. Throughout most Western countries, an increasing number of children are driven to school instead of walking or taking a bike. In a new video called “Why did kids stop walking to school?” About Here’s founder, Uytae Lee, cites the …