‘I gasped the first time’: Girl eats at the grocery store and pays for just the wrapper. Is that legal?

While most TikTokers share grocery store hacks, one user has gone viral for saying she just eats food at the grocery store then pays for just the wrapper. Viewers wonder whether or not this is legal.  As of Wednesday afternoon, Hannah (@hesky) has reached over 1.6 million views on her video.  @hesky If im gonna …

‘What am I supposed to do with this?’ An Uber Eats Customer Shared a Video of a Pizza Delivery That Went Very Wrong

This is not a pretty scene, my friends… In fact, you might want to avert your eyes right now so you won’t be too upset. A woman named Ashley shared a video on TikTok where she showed viewers the absolute horror of what happened when her pizza delivery from Uber Eats went wrong…very wrong. She …

‘The 5-layer burrito has nothing but a soft taco shell inside’: Uber Eats customers receive Taco Bell tacos without anything in them

Normally, Taco Bell is a thing of beauty that fills the fast-food hole in a hungry person’s heart like no other. Where else can you find endless remixes of all things beefy and cheesy, and if you’re feeling adventurous, even crunchy? The fast-food magic doesn’t work, however, if there’s nothing beefy or cheesy inside the …

‘Guess where their food got left?’: Uber Eats customer tells driver to wait at gate and ‘follow’ cars into complex

Delivery customers can leave some pretty strange and confusing directions for their drivers. For example, a Domino’s delivery driver recently claimed that they were once instructed to shout their arrival over a gate in lieu of knocking. A few months later, a DoorDash customer became irate when a driver ignored their instructions to bring them …

‘l will eat it 100%’: Uber Eats driver says customer took away his tip after he delivered McDonald’s order. He got revenge

A user on TikTok has sparked discussion after showing a supposed way to get revenge on tip-baiters. For context, “tip-baiting” is when someone places an order through an app like DoorDash or Uber Eats with a sizable tip. This incentivizes drivers to pick up and prioritize their orders. Then, after the order has been delivered, …

‘If im not getting paid no one is’: Server shuts off her restaurant’s Uber Eats tablet mid-shift. Here’s why

A former server went viral when she posted a short victory clip of herself getting back at her employers. TikToker Meghan (@meaganwhencough) filmed a clip of herself singing along to “Hater’s Anthem” by Infinity Song. A text overlay reads: “When the restaurant I was working at was stealing my tips and underpaying me so I’d …

‘I’m really not kidding when I say my social anxiety is f*cking up there’: New worker brings Dunkin’ donuts to break room to make friends. She’s the only one who eats them

In a viral TikTok video, a new worker shares how she was excited to make new friends at her workplace by bringing in some donuts from Dunkin’ only to end up being sorely disappointed. In the video, user @downtownabbyy stitches her own video where she’s at her workplace’s break room with a box of donuts. …

Woman Eats Chipotle Kid’s Meal Almost Every Night for Dinner

One TikToker claims she eats the kid’s meal at Chipotle five times a week, and she’s not alone. But do employees get annoyed making these meals? Source: TikTok / @fruitstick I commend all folks who come from work and then start cooking a meal. That is hard work and dedication — two things I do …

‘I thought it was a waste of time and money.’ Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Not Taking His Girlfriend to Nice Restaurants Because She Eats Like a Little Kid

No one wants to be told that they eat like a little kid because it’s pretty insulting, right?0 But I gotta say, I don’t think I’d be too thrilled with a partner who didn’t like to try new and different foods. That’s one of the things that keeps life interesting! But this guy seems pretty …

‘THIS IS MY FAV HACK’: Customer says she eats Chipotle’s $5.40 kids meal 5 nights per week. Here’s what you get

The portion sizes at U.S. restaurants are generally much larger than the ones offered in other parts of the world, which is especially true when it comes to fast food restaurants. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that there are so many social media users who are quick to share their “kids meal” hacks …

Woman Thought Uber Eats Receipt Called Her a Bad Word

When a woman’s Uber Eats receipt seemingly insulted her, she decided to call the restaurant she ordered from and get to the bottom of this. Article continues below advertisement But never in a million years would you think that your receipt from the restaurant would insult you and call you an inappropriate name. Or so …

Woman Claims Her Uber Eats Starbucks Order Arrived Empty

How would you feel if your Uber Eats Starbucks order arrived with nothing in it? We’d be annoyed too. One woman shares her story and we feel for her. Article continues below advertisement The worst part is that her empty order is seemingly unexplainable, since the drink she paid extra to get ASAP was still …