We know that adults suffer when they don't get enough sleep. For kids, it's even worse.

Imagine you’re in your school math class after staying up late doing homework, and the teacher calls on you to explain something complicated on the board. Ah, there’s that palm sweat everyone who’s been through this is painfully familiar with. As if woken abruptly from a dream — which, let’s face it, might’ve been the …

People Are Sharing The Reasons A Best Friend Turned Into A Stranger, And These Responses Are Reminding Me To Cherish My Besties So I Don't Lose Them

“Loaned a sizable amount of money to my best friend, and then he blocked me on everything. Entire friendship down the drain over money.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kelsiehammond1/people-share-reasons-why-best-friendships-ended

Don't worry, your cat does love you. Science says so.

Cats can sometimes come off like aloof jerks. Their love often seems conditional. But turns out they actually love you more than they let on. Your cat might shoot you a stone-cold stare every time you pet it, but it actually harbors warm feelings underneath. And it’s not just because you feed it. A study …