Mushy-Brained Trump Confused Nikki Haley With Nancy Pelosi While Rambling About Jan. 6

Getty Image Is Donald Trump okay? The former president may be the frontunner for the Republican ticket, but his hands aren’t looking so hot these days. Does he have syphilis? And what about his brain? He’s been talking total nonsense for a while now; if Joe Biden ever rambled about how corn is “non-liquid gold,” …

Girl Is Confused About Tipping Culture And Asks The Internet For Help. – ‘I feel really bad when I don’t.’

A puzzle as old as American eating culture itself: TO TIP OR NOT TO TIP. That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the – oh my head already hurts. And so does my wallet. So do a lot of our wallets. And thus the question is forthrightly posed for a generation anew. Abigail on TikTok is …

Parents Reprimand Babysitter For Eating Some Of Their Food And She’s Thoroughly Confused

People who haven’t done it think babysitting is an easy gig; after all, we let teenagers do it, right? As a teenager who babysat and hated it, I can promise you it’s anything but easy. OP does it as a part-time way to earn money. When she recently babysat for two boys, the parents left …

Woman Offers Advice About What Women Should Say When Guys Want To Split The Bill On A Date. – ‘I’m so confused.’

Folks are pretty divided about a lot of things these days, and one of them is how dates between men and women should unfold. Does the man pay? Does the woman pay? Do they split the bill? Well, according to a TikTok user named Pearl, there’s only one way to go about it. Pearl posted …

Olivia Rodrigo Finally Admitted That She Was In Fact “Stalking” Joshua Bassett On Instagram Last Year When Confused Fans Noticed She Randomly Started Following Him

“I accidentally followed him because I was stalking him… I was just following one person so it was super obvious that I was following him,” Olivia recalled. View Entire Post › Source:

Wife is confused over how to feel about husband who 'emotionally' cheated with babysitter

Often when we discuss infidelity, we talk about the physical type where one partner sleeps with someone outside the relationship. However, emotional cheating is a bit more nebulous. “An emotional affair is an affair of the heart,” Dr. Jenn Mann, a licensed marriage and family therapist, writes at InStyle. “The most troubling aspect of the …

Couple recording a TikTok trend gets interrupted by their confused dad who can't look away

Look, sometimes we walk in on things that we just shouldn’t see. Those situations can be embarrassing for everyone involved and there’s never a clear way to address it depending on what exactly was seen. Sure, some situations are easier to explain than others while others may be completely innocent but no amount of explaining …

‘I’m just a little confused.’ Customers Were Annoyed When Barista Wore An In-N-Out Burger Uniform

Some people just can’t take a joke… A barista named Jorlala told viewers that she wore an In-N-Out Burger uniform for Halloween at her job and it seemed like some folks just weren’t getting the joke that day. The text overlay on her video reads, “Actual things customers said to me about my costume at …

‘I was very confused when I walked out.’ Guy Takes His Loose Change To Chase Bank And They Refuse To Take It

When did this happen?!?! Banks not taking spare change anymore? I guess I must have missed the memo… But it appears to be the case, at least at Chase Bank, because a man named Ryan posted a video on TikTok and told viewers that he went to his bank to make a deposit of $24 …

David Fincher Is Just As Confused As You Are About Why All These Toxic Dudes Love ‘Fight Club’

20th Century Fox David Fincher adapted Fight Club from the novel by Chuck Palahniuk over two decades ago, but people are going to keep asking him about it, despite that whole rule of not talking about it. Over the years, the movie’s, uh, aggressiveness, has caused various responses, specifically amongst the far right. Fincher touched …