Moriah Plath’s Childhood Alopecia Made Her Feel Unloved

‘Welcome to Plathville’ star Moriah Plath was diagnosed with alopecia as a kid and it impacted her a lot. Here’s where she stands today with the past. The Gist: Welcome to Plathville‘s Moriah struggled with alopecia during her childhood. The condition led to her low self-worth. Years later, the reality star is more at peace …

"I Had Tiger Beat Posters Of Them": People Are Sharing Their Childhood Celebrity Crushes, And It's A Trip Down Memory Lane

“David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth was the first time I heard my daughter (at the time, only about 10 years old) refer to someone as hot. She was terribly embarrassed that she let it slip out loud.” View Entire Post › Source:

From childhood memories to modern munchies: Little Spoon caters to Millennial and Gen Z parents

Oh, the simpler times! Pogs flipping in the schoolyard, the snap of a brightly colored slap bracelet adorning a wrist, and the joy of opening a lunchbox to reveal a smorgasbord of treats. The lunchboxes of the 90s and early 00s were filled with neon-colored fruit gummies, buildable pizzas or sandwiches with the crust meticulously …

Dad's sweet video shows the 'unsung benefits' of reliving his childhood with his son

There comes a point in every person’s life when the toys, games, fantasy books, cartoons, all start to take up less space in our lives. Partially because of naturally changing interests, and also due to the responsibilities of adulthood setting in. But then when we have kids, suddenly we are transported back to this magical …

She visited ‘Snow White’ every year of her childhood. We dare you to look at these reunion pics without crying.

This article originally appeared on 01.11.19 Disney princesses are a magical thing, sometimes most of all for the princesses themselves. Amber Shaddock Roberts used to visit Disneyland every year as a child. And from ages 2 to 15, she stopped to say hello and take pictures with the woman who was dressed as Snow White. …

‘To this day, no one knows I ratted his alias to the police.’ When He Had The Opportunity To Get His Childhood Bully Arrested, He Didn’t Hesitate. Was He Wrong?

Bullies have always – and probably will always – exist, and for the most part, the people they bullied as resigned to just being the better person. After all, we grow up and life usually doles out a good amount of karma on its own. This time, though, OP had the opportunity to really exact …

Dad's TikTok for son showing what his 80s childhood was like is total Gen X nostalgia

As a Gen X parent, it’s weird to try to describe my childhood to my kids. We’re the generation that didn’t grow up with the internet or cell phones, yet are raising kids who have never known a world without them. That difference alone is enough to make our 1980s childhoods feel like a completely …

16 Stories About Childhood Best Friends Breaking Up

10. “We’d been friends since we were 9 years old, and friends almost 20 years when it ended. She called me up tearfully one afternoon and said she couldn’t be my maid of honor anymore. Why? Her husband had given her an ultimatum: me or HIM. And why the ultimatum? He had gotten a DUI …

People Share What Happened To Their Childhood Best Friend

2. “He went ultra-right-wing. It’s not even just that his politics are different; it’s that they became his entire identity, and you can’t have a conversation with him without it being the only thing he talks about.” “I can’t even talk to him about events from when we were kids because it always turns into, …