Helping Your Child Come to Terms With Their ADHD

It’s not unusual to have mixed feelings about your child’s diagnosis with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). The behaviors that led to it may create stress in your family and social life for quite a while. You might worry about how your child (and others) will react to being “labeled,” on top of all your …

7 Signs You’ve Raised A Spoiled Child

“Children do what we train them to do, what we lead them to expect,” Markham, founder of the site Aha! Parenting, said. “If we have parented permissively and have never set limits, the child will not be used to accommodating appropriate limits.” When parents spoil their children, their intentions are often good, albeit misguided. They …

A doctor specializing in child development shares 5 of her most surprising parenting tips

Parenting is the most important job that most people will ever have in life. Your decisions as a parent will be some of the most important determining factors in whether your child becomes a happy and productive adult or not. It’s a huge responsibility. Parenting is a difficult and important undertaking, but many parents simply …

Husband Has Chronic Pain, But Pregnant Wife Keeps Asking Him For Favors. So He Finally Blows His Top And Tells Her To Stop Acting Like A Child.

When you get pregnant as an expecting new set of parents everything changes. It becomes “game time” real fast. That’s both an exciting, wonderful, great thing – and it’s also one to really spur you to get your ducks in a row. Maybe having a plan for the next 9 months’ day-to-day responsibilities might help. Well that …

Dad recounts the epic tale of racing to the birth of his child after fainting

One dad is delighting readers on X with an epic tale of nearly missing his daughter’s birth after fainting. His story of rushing to make it in time feels like something straight out of a movie—complete with a happy ending. Luke Epplin’s wife had gone into labor on a Friday. Most of that night, and …

Mom Gives Her Child Specific Instructions To Not Unlock The Door For Anybody, So That’s Exactly What They Did

Punctuation is fun, kids. But so is your cat, Snuggles McCuddles FluffyPants. And it’s always good to obey your parents! They really appreciate that, and sometimes reward you for it. Well, most of the time. Here’s a fun little story from a person who has never met a comma or period they like; about learning …