Jennifer Aniston Faces Backlash Over Attitude Towards Intimacy Coordinators

…. An intimacy coordinator basically choreographes the intimacy and takes into account the actors’ boundaries. Saying “someone who asks if you are okay” is not only dismissing, but also completely wrong — vale✨ (@SelfStan) December 12, 2023 Source:

28 Cheap Things To Prove Fanciness Is An Attitude

Plus, you can also get the matching bib! Promising review: “Biggest fan of all things Mushie. Love the neutral colors, cutest prints, and clean products. I already own several placemats (floral print, rainbow, and a pretty mauve/blush color) but I had to get this grey one too. Totally gender-neutral, smooth, chic, and worry-free because it …

‘Why does the robot sound like it has an attitude?’: Robot takes a customer’s order at Wendy’s. It catches an ‘attitude’

Wendy’s has started rolling out its new AI chatbot system that is supposed to be handling customer orders at the drive thru. However, according to one TikTok video, what was intended to be a seamless transition turned into a comical and frustrating experience. The video, which was posted by Macey (@maceitrain) this week, kicks off …