Andie MacDowell shows what we can all learn about beauty and age from the gray hair movement

For many, even those that proudly wave the flag of self-love, the sight of that first gray hair is anxiety inducing. That single strand is a harbinger of the doom of our youth. More than one, and you might as well weave them together to create yourself a noose. It’s time to kiss your beauty—and …

Young Girls Bullied Someone They Thought Was Their Age, So She Tracked Down Their Parents And Put Them On Blast

This is a weird one… And it’ll remind you that a lot of kids out there like to bully other kids when their parents aren’t around… But these kids made a big mistake that they won’t forget anytime soon. Take a look at what happened in this story from Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page. “I am …

Resilience 101: Building Mental Muscle In The Digital Age

Uproxx Every new year, millions decide they want to get stronger and build bigger muscles (and we’re here to help with a whole lot of guidance). For many, the first inclination is to sign up for an expensive gym membership and start picking up some weights. But there’s a saying that should pop into your …

20 Opinions Adults Once Had But Changed With Age

20. Last but not least: “I used to think that I needed to do something big and noteworthy in order for my life to be worth it — something that would stick around in collective memory for generations. But now, I’ve realized that oblivion comes for us all, and at some point, we will all …

Jordan Howlett’s Age — How Old Is the TikTok Fast Foodie?

Jordan Howlett, better known on TikTok as Jordan Thee Stallion, has addressed the confusion surrounding his age on his platform. Source: Getty Images While many people remain unsure about TikTok’s ability to make an everyday person a viral influencer, creators constantly prove they can support themselves and their loved ones by clocking into the “clock …

‘I’ve never been undermined like this in my life’: Worker shares why you should never reveal your age at work

In an insightful TikTok video that has attracted more than 429,000 views, Shola West (@allthingsmediasis) shares her experiences with ageism in the workplace, providing a candid account of young professionals’ challenges and misconceptions. The video is a powerful narrative about the pitfalls of disclosing one’s age at work, especially when it intersects with ambition and …

“Every age of the one you call a child is a different test!” #BalaHatun “Every time you take a …

“Every age of the one you call a child is a different test!” #BalaHatun “Every time you time a child is a different test!” #EstablishmentOsman Wednesday at 20.00 with its exciting new episode #atv‘of! Bozdağ Film ATV “Every time you time a child is a different test!” #EstablishmentOsman with exciting new episode on Wednesday at …

‘I do not know where these kids get the audacity’: Customer demands Sephora implement an age policy after her experience with a 10-year-old customer

Sephora shoppers are getting sick and tired of entitled children heading into stores and allegedly ruining the retail experience for everyone else. While many have shared their personal tales of terror involving young girls turning Sephoras into their own personal makeup tryout stations, one user named Abby (@abbythebadassmom) details how a particularly grating child got …

January month, year 1324, Rabia Malhun Hatun passed away at age of 66…

January month, year 1324, Rabia Malhun Hatun passed away at age of 66 🤲🏻 Osman Gazi who made his motto to show respect to the scholars opon the advlce he received from his father Ertugrul Gazi, would visit Seyh Edebali’s hospice and even stay there as a guest. On one of his visit, he saw …

‘If it was any other age group it would be racist’: Korean restaurant server issues PSA for your parents—after they ask him this ‘awkward’ question

A server at a Korean restaurant posted a viral video sharing what older customers should stop saying to servers.  @dragonfacedkiller has reached over 309,000 views and 32,000 likes on his TikTok video by Tuesday morning. Viewers left over 600 comments under @dragonfacedkiller video sharing their own experiences with older couples.  At the start of his …