‘Stop trying to act like it tastes good’: Dunkin’ worker begs customers to stop ordering Ice Spice drink

Dunkin’ enlisted the help of known Dunkin’ aficionado Ben Affleck and rapper Ice Spice to promote the new Ice Spice drink, which, thanks to a TikToker, we now know is made up of two pumpkin cake Munchkins doughnut holes, coffee syrup, ice, and caramel sauce. It’s all the rage. But according to this new TikTok, …

‘They act like my garage is a air BNB’: Homeowner shares peppermint oil mouse repellent hack

With the cold weather approaching, critters can turn your home into theirs. One woman wasn’t having it and shared with others a mouse repellent hack to prevent them from invading your home. TikTok user @kirstengifty shared her point of view when it’s “getting cold outside” while living in a “townhouse.” She started off by showing …

The World Came Close (But Not That Close) To An ‘Airplane!’ Starring David Letterman, Except He Realized He ‘Can’t Act’

Paramount / YouTube / David Letterman Airplane!, the beloved parody of disaster movies, is basically a perfect movie. But what if instead of starring Robert Hays as the pilot with a fear of flying, it starred a pre-late night host David Letterman? Would that have made it even better? Or actually worse? According to Letterman …

Jennifer Garner works with paparazzo to create an act of kindness for homeless man

A paparazzo caught actor Jennifer Garner performing a touching act of kindness. Instead of being annoyed at having the moment filmed by the photographer, she asked him to help. Garner was at the beach in Santa Monica, California, handing out bags of necessities to the homeless when she came across a man in a wheelchair …

‘It’s 9:30 and the main act still hasn’t come out’: Concert-goer complains about shows starting late on weeknights

A woman talks about the struggle of going to a concert on a work night when the performers take longer than expected to begin the show. In a TikTok posted on Monday, Lydia Cheney (@lydia.cheney) posted a video of herself at a concert on a work night “but it’s 9:30 & the main act still …

44 years ago he became her protector after a terrible act. Today, they've been reunited in love.

It’s pretty safe to say that everyone loves a good love story. There’s a whole genre of music and movies dedicated to the idea of someone being swept off of their feet after circumstances tried to keep them from their true love. Romance novels could single handedly keep public libraries and bookstores afloat. Everyone loves …

His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Wow… this one is quite a tale. Every set of siblings has had an occasion to want or need to get back at one another for something – and I would guess a fair amount of time someone goes too far. There’s that, and then there’s this story, in which OP goes so far there’s no …

Patton Oswalt and his fans transformed a Twitter troll's life with a simple but powerful act of kindness

Social media spats usually end in ugly words or blocking people—unless you’re Patton Oswalt. Actor and comedian Patton Oswalt has made a name for himself off-screen as a blunt yet caring, compassionate human. His raw openness after his wife’s unexpected passing and his willingness to engage in conversations about depression and dadhood after her death …

‘I would act clueless but save the extra money in case you have to pay it back’: Worker gets higher raise than they were supposed to

Redditor u/masterofcrowss posed an interesting question to the r/antiwork subreddit: “Got a higher raise than I was supposed to, do I say anything?” Talk about champagne problems.   The redditor provided a little background in their post. “So last month we were informed at work that everyone was getting a 15 percent raise, which isn’t going to …

‘I’m known in the family to be a “control freak.” They Are Accused of Ruining a Family Dinner. Did They Act Like a Jerk?

Sometimes, you just have to walk away. Yes, it might cause some drama, but if you feel that it’s serious enough, you gotta make your decision. That’s what’s going on here in this story from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page, but it sounds like this person is having some second thoughts. Did they act …

‘Imma act right with you.’ Would You Pretend You Didn’t Remember Someone From High School If They Were Your Cashier?

If you live near where you grew up, there’s a good chance you run into people you went to high school with on a semi-regular basis. If you’re like me, you can hardly remember that far back never mind put a face to a name – but would you go so far as to pretend …