‘The place is drenched and full of condensation.’ A Woman Realized That She Accidentally Left Her Shower Running For 7 Hours

Well, that’s probably gonna be expensive… A woman named Lily posted a video on TikTok and told viewers that she accidentally left her shower running FOR SEVEN HOURS. In the video, it’s pretty obvious that Lily was pretty upset and she said, “Guys this is really serious. And this is why I should not be …

Hotel Guest Accidentally Books Conference Room

After a hotel guest accidentally books a conference room for her stay, folks are wondering how she made that mistake and if it was resolved. Booking a hotel room is typically an easy process. Some people book directly with their desired chain via social media apps or by phone. On the flip side, others prefer …

Bartender Accidentally Informs a Woman That Her Husband Is Cheating

TikTok user @imacayk shared how she accidentally let it slip to a woman that her husband was cheating on her with someone else. Bartender Accidentally Informs a Woman That Her Husband Is Cheating If your partner is cheating on you, you would hope that you would hear it from them first. But sometimes, someone else …

How does a kid cope in life after accidentally killing his brother? John did.

A childhood game can go very wrong in the blink of an eye. “You’ll never get me!” “Freeze! Put your hands up.” If you’ve ever played cops and robbers, you know how the game goes. John Arthur Greene was 8 and he was playing that game with his older brother Kevin. Only the two brothers …

Woman Accidentally Buys Styrofoam Cake From Walmart

A baker at Walmart explains how a woman accidentally bought a Styrofoam display cake when she meant to buy a real birthday cake for her kid. Sometimes the display cakes at a bakery just look good enough to eat. Like, literally, they look like they could be the real thing. And one TikTok user, @cardcaptor_s, …

The Editors Of ‘Sax X’ Accidentally Got The Cops Called On Them Because Neighbors Kept Hearing Deathly Screams

Lionsgate Horror franchises tend to rack up high body counts, but with the Saw films it’s about quality, not quantity. Jigsaw’s kills are elaborate, drawn-out affairs. Some survive his traps. Most don’t, and they’re deaths are gruesome spectaculars, as funny, in their way, as the Jigsaw parody of Nicole Kidman’s AMC ads. Even when they …

Woman Accidentally Uses Jewelry Cleaner as Teeth Whitener

A woman accidentally used her jewelry cleaning pen instead of her teeth whitening pen. Here’s hoping enamel and silver are similar enough. I realize there are only so many container shapes available but why must some of them look so shockingly similar? For example, I once brushed my teeth with pimple cream and I gotta …

‘8,000 items are now reflected as zero inventory.’ Woman Shares How She Accidentally Deleted An Entire Store’s Inventory

There’s a bad day at the office and there’s a BAD day at the office.  And this store worker’s had the latter. In her bid to do everything right, she did everything wrong and deleted her whole store’s inventory!!!! “I do inventory, it’s all great.  Today’s my first day to do it alone.  I followed …

‘I might as well just pack up my whole life and move away.’ A Man Said He Accidentally Ordered 1,000 Free Moving Boxes From The Post Office

Well, I suppose that’s one way to get free boxes… A man posted a video on TikTok that went viral in which he admitted that he made a big mistake in getting free boxes from the U.S. Postal Service. In fact, he got A TON of free boxes…1,000 to be exact… The man said he …

Canada’s House Speaker Resigned After Accidentally Saluting A Nazi Veteran He Called A ‘Hero’

In America public officials have made it a habit of not resigning after doing shady things. That’s not how they roll in Canada. In the land up north if politicians do things they shouldn’t have, there’s a good chance they’ll a) apologize and b) resign. That’s what happened when a Canadian official accidentally sang the …

‘I work at wholefoods…. I dont even have one’: ThredUp customer accidentally receives package full of Whole Foods hats

Finding a good deal on secondhand clothes from a third-party site like Postmark or ThredUp can feel just as exhilarating as hunting down a prized find in a physical thrift store—as long as customers receive what they pay for. Package mix-ups happen all the time, whether it is simply a matter of a neighbor receiving …