Student Tricks Millions With Tweet About Professor’s Sad Party, But It’s All For An Assignment

Last Wednesday, college student Sydney Arlt posted a video on Twitter of one of her professors holding a party for students that no one attended. There’s a good chance you’ve seen the video — it’s been viewed 7.8 million times.

But the thing is, it’s not real.

Sydney and five of her classmates created the video as part of an assignment for their class at Missouri State University. Their professor, Andrew Cline, asked students to intentionally create a post that would go viral. He didn’t expect any of his students to actually succeed.

The project was “designed to be failed,” Andrew told BuzzFeed News.

“Viral-ness is the idea of making something that draws an immediate mass audience, and if you can do that on purpose, you’re going to be a rich person,” he’d told his class. “It’s very difficult to do.”

“I thought the assignment was pretty impossible at first,” Sydney admitted.

But then, her project group came up with a golden idea, modeled after other viral videos. They decided to pretend that their professor had thrown a party that no one showed up for.

The fake viral video shows Andrew looking disappointed in front of a mostly empty classroom. It now has over 340,000 likes. Guess Sydney and her classmates will be rich soon!

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