I’m gonna be honest — this was the underdog for me. When I first tasted it, I couldn’t quite make up my mind whether it was my absolute favorite or my least favorite, which is pretty unusual for me. I really enjoyed the tropical flavor, but initially, it felt a bit…lacking?* But as I kept sipping on all three of the frozen refreshers, this was the one I kept coming back to and ultimately almost finished. Something about it is suuuuper addicting. So, if you’re interested in trying this but not quite sure if it’d be your thing, I’d say give it a chance! It just might surprise you.

*To be completely fair, I did try this one for the first time right after the strawberry one, and that drink is so sweet it definitely made this one feel more subtle than it actually was in comparison. So, note to you: I maybe wouldn’t pair this drink with anything super sweet if you want to get ~the full flavor experience~.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/angelicaamartinez/starbucks-frozen-lemonade-refresher-taste-test