
Ruzgar Aksoy/ Turgut Bey.

When this actor/ character first entered the series, there was no end to the disrespect & mockery he received from a certain – very specific – set of viewers…😏

‘OBSESSED’ with his namesake from this show’s prequel, these viewers (other than being preoccupied with bad ‘Turgut Returns’ videos on YouTube 😂) went to great lengths to pull him down (just as they had previously done/ still do with KO’s lead actor himself for similar reasons)

I still remember how his character was mocked & called disrespectful names like Turgut Lite, Duplicate Turgut, Discount Turgut & what not!

(Of course, the INDISPUTABLE fact that, of the two versions of this character, KO version is the one more backed by actual history (all citable mentions from chronicles) is besides the point here…)

Well anyway, in my opinion, the way Ruzgar A/ KO’s Turgut, despite all initial hate, did full justice to this historical role with matchless sincerity & passion & superior acting skills, Ruzgar Akisoy’s version of Turgut has surpassed all others before it.

In my mind, he will forever remain as THE conqueror/ governor of Inegol, Osman Gazi’s friend/ comrade mentioned in early Ottoman chronicles 🔥

I really hope that he comes back in Season 5 🤍🤍

Another phenomenal episode 🔥