“We were in the same friend group in school, but he had a girlfriend and he hit me up a few years after we graduated and they had broken up. The Skims micro bikini launched right before we were set to go on a short overnight trip together. I sent him the link and he immediately bought it for me. Unfortunately (fortunately, if I’m being honest), we split before the trip and before the bikini even arrived. I have no idea what he ended up doing with the bikini or the non-refundable hotel stay, but as a gift for the whole ordeal, I decided to buy the micro bikini for myself. I mean, my first impression of the bikini is still my impression of it — it’s literally ridiculous. It’s as tiny and absurd in person as everyone says, and that’s why I love it!” 

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/daniellaemanuel/skims-micro-bralette