Skeptic Visits Town’s ‘Most Haunted House’ And Insists Her Pics Show Proof Of Ghostly Encounter

On a work trip to Savannah, Georgia, financial executive Janay Rickwalder agreed to go on an impromptu ghost tour. It promised spooky cemeteries and playful scares, but Janay didn’t expect anything too crazy to happen.

The tour was rather non-eventful — until the guide said they’d be stopping at “the most haunted house in Savannah.”

Judging from the rest of the rather uneventful tour, she didn’t expect this one particular stop would “convert me to believing in the great beyond.”

They arrived at the Sorrel-Weed House, a historic landmark and Savannah museum, and one of the largest houses in the city. The Sorrel-Weed House was also the boyhood home of a confederate general.

After the tour, the guide parted ways with Janay and her group. She started casually wandering around the house while snapping photos. Suddenly, she felt a ‘swooshing’ sensation and turned around.

“What the heck was that?!” she asked her coworkers.

Janay kept taking photos and when she looked at the images, she thought eyes were playing tricks on her.

Now, she says her photos taken inside the ‘haunted house’ show evidence of a ghostly encounter…

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