She Made a Scene at the Family Dinner Table When Her Mom Ruined Her Cheesecake. Did She Go Too Far?

You ruin my cheesecake, you will pay!


This woman seems pretty fired up!

But did she go too far in her response?

Check out what she had to say and YOU be the judge.

“So I’m(19f) a pastry chef, I love my sweets to be on point as you can see them on pictures, nothing less or nothing more.My mom(60F) other hand keeps destroying my sweets by adding so much of everything.

One time I made a strawberry cake for my grandma’s birthday and she came to it to add a whole tones of whipping cream.At the end the cake was a whole disaster,it was falling apart from too much cream and I yelled her in top of my lungs that she keeps destroying everything I make ,she put on the sad face saying she won’t bother with me and my sweets anymore.

So Last weekend we were visiting my grandma(her sister too) and I made a fruit tart and a cheesecake.I put them on the fridge and warned my mom TO NOT TOUCH IT!!. When we arrived,we open the cheesecake and apparently she have put chocolate syrup all over it and the box/cheesecake itself was an ugly mess….At that point I had a breakdown and started yelling her and crying saying “WHY YOU KEEP DESTROYING MY WORK,IM SO FED UP WITH YOU”,she kept pushing it off saying “it’s not beautiful enough and it needed a better picture.

I’m way home I wasn’t talking her and she started yelling me that I was an a**hole to her in front of everyone and I need to learn manners.

Looking back,I could handle the situation better but I lost my mind,in other hand though I don’t want anyone to touch my creations.

Am I the a**hole for yelling at my mom in front of everyone?”

Check out what Reddit users had to say about this.

One person said her mom is doing this on purpose.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.39.01 AM She Made a Scene at the Family Dinner Table When Her Mom Ruined Her Cheesecake. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user agreed and said her mom is trying to ruin her confidence.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.39.14 AM She Made a Scene at the Family Dinner Table When Her Mom Ruined Her Cheesecake. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said she’s NTA and said that her mom is doing this for one of two reasons.

Screen Shot 2023 06 17 at 11.39.28 AM She Made a Scene at the Family Dinner Table When Her Mom Ruined Her Cheesecake. Did She Go Too Far?

Photo Credit: Reddit

All this over cheesecake?!
