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Reddit Man’s Sister-In-Law Is Mad Because He Refused To Babysit – AITA?

Reddit Man’s Sister-In-Law Is Mad Because He Refused To Babysit – AITA?


“An art event isn’t more important than your nephews, but he should have told her, ‘A haircut isn’t more important than your kids.'”


“Or tell your brother, ‘Don’t you mean to say that you think your wife getting her hair cut is more important than me supporting my partner at her career?’ They are using your nephews for emotional blackmail for something that has nothing to really do with them at all. His wife should have rescheduled the appointment to a time when she had someone willing to watch the boys.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/man-leaves-house-refuses-to-babysit-sil-kids-reddit