And someone actually called OP out for how he handled the situation, and came to his girlfriend’s defense:

“Look, I’m mostly on your side, until the last two paragraphs. The point of going out isn’t always to eat the food or try new food, but to spend time together. Throwing around that it’s not even worth going out if you only eat chicken tenders is really callous.

She also sounds picky, but flexible. In that she’ll find something at any restaurant to eat, even if it’s fries and rice. So, I think it’s a bit crappy you’re knocking her for that, when she isn’t necessarily inconveniencing you. I get that you’re embarrassed, but this is who you’re dating. Either decide it’s a dealbreaker for you, or learn to live with it.

However, I do think she should be paying for meals if she’s going to pick a super expensive place.”

