QAnon Followers Using 17Anon and CueAnon to Avoid Getting Banned

Followers of QAnon have started calling themselves “17Anon” in an effort to avoid getting booted off social media platforms.

QAnon has roots in the Pizzagate conspiracy theory that there was a pedophile ring being run out of the basement of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor.

Followers believe that there is a global, satanic, pedophile cult that includes liberals, billionaires, Hollywood elites, and the “deep state,” which President Donald Trump is attempting to take down.

In recent years, QAnon faithful have been arrested for violent, sometimes terrorist, acts in furtherance of this belief.

Social media companies have only recently responded to the trend of criminality among QAnon believers and the false theories they spread about topics ranging from Chrissy Tiegen’s breasts to the coronavirus pandemic.

The theory originally flourished in the wild west of online forums before exploding across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

But last night, Twitter announced it had suspended thousands of QAnon accounts and would continue other enforcement efforts in days and weeks to come.

Now, followers are attempting to avoid detection with the social media equivalent of Superman’s “disguise” as Clark Kent: Instead of QAnon, they’ve started using #17Anon, because “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Some are also using #CueAnon, though this hasn’t caught on with quite the fervor of 17Anon.

ZachD555,Kool Mustard, Anubus Dank, Legal Eagle, Frances Cohen/Twitter

jerome biggums/Twitter

jerome biggums/Twitter


They are also brainstorming other ideas for evading enforcement, presumably in case social media companies catch wind that they’re now substituting 17Anon and CueAnon.


Much of the flurry of activity has been inspired by social media companies cracking down on the conspiracy theory.

Two years ago, Reddit purged QAnon site-wide. Facebook has stopped recommending QAnon groups and pages, the Guardian reports, although a simple search still turns up numerous groups.

Amazing Polly/Twitter

blank, Tankity tank tank/Twitter

Some might say it isn’t wise to announce your plan to escape detection on the very platforms whose rules you’re attempting to circumvent.

Clearly those people don’t have the same mindset as your average QAnon follower.


*First Published: Jul 22, 2020, 11:09 am

Claire Goforth

Claire Goforth is an award winning journalist covering politics and justice from her home base in Jacksonville, Florida. Her work has appeared in publications ranging from regional alt-weeklies to Al Jazeera.

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