
“I carried maxed cards for nearly 15 years. I defeated them all in about two years of concerted effort. I got my bank account to a place where I was secure in never getting an overdraft. Once that was established, every single week I logged into all my credit card accounts and paid down whatever I had spent that week. I still used my cards for the points, but I no longer held new balances. Once I paid everything I spent that week, I would see how much was left in my bank account and would dump it on whichever card I was targeting at the time.”

“By watching and focusing on my spending, being responsible for paying what I owed, and throwing everything else I had right into debt, I was able to move quickly. Getting a few hundred bucks onto my standing balance every week moved quickly. Every zeroed account was celebrated. Failure was not permissible. I continue these practices now and have put a fair amount of money into my emergency fund, savings, and even some investments.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaileyhansen/i-racked-up-20000-and-felt-defeated-people-are-sharing-how