
“When I was 25, I met this guy on Tinder. For the first couple weeks of dating we only spent time at my house or going out, never his. When I questioned why we couldn’t go to his place, he said he’d been living with a friend because his new place was still being renovated. I thought that was kind of suspect but he was super hot, communicative and kind, and I was young — so I overlooked it. The more we got to know each other, the more he started staying over at my place, and within two months he was basically living with me. One night while he was at work, an email notification popped up on his laptop.”

“Upon further inspection, I realized he had a profile on a sugar baby website, which he’d been sending messages from as recently as the day before. I was shocked. I broke up with him and kicked him out, but it ended badly and I never got my key back.

Two months later, he reached out while I was out of town visiting family, apologized for everything, and asked for a second chance. We discussed getting together to talk when I returned at the end of the week. I ended up deciding to come back a day early. In the day I headed back, everything seemed fine until I told him about my change in plans and he immediately stopped responding. It seemed weird and I was upset but shrugged it off, figuring I’d hear back by the next day. When I finally made it to my place I walked in to find my trash overflowing, a sink full of dishes, my bed had clearly been slept in and there were clothes (that were not mine) everywhere. 

I was obviously freaked out and went to my neighbors to see if they’d noticed anyone coming or going. They told me they’d talked to Tony as he was letting himself into my place almost a week prior. He told them he was watching my dog for me while I was out of town. (Which was impossible because my dog had come with me.) Turns out, he’d seen I was out of town on social media and had been squatting in my apartment the entire week I’d been gone. He faked wanting to get back together only to find out when I’d be home. The next day, I changed the locks, threw his stuff in the hallway, and texted him that I knew what he’d done and to come pick it up. He never came to get it, and even had the audacity to be pissed at ME for removing his things from my apartment. We never spoke again.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/fabianabuontempo/online-dating-app-nightmares