People Are Sharing the Dumbest Things They Ever Got Grounded for and It's Making Us Love Our Parents

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Oh, the good old days of childhood. It’s wild to think there was a time before 9-to-5’s, bills and the other daily annoyances of being a grown-up. Once upon a time, life just consisted of occasional homework, summer vacation, and having your parents pay for your existence. Those were the glorious days.

But then there were those not-so-nostalgic parts of growing up, like when homework went from simple worksheets to hours and hours of essays and papers. Or curfews, which were like — why can’t I just hang out with my friends forever? Everyone had their own house rules, no matter how bizarre their families were.

And breaking those rules often resulted in punishment, another part of childhood I really don’t miss. It seemed sometimes like parents just wanted to find any reason to discipline us, no matter how arbitrary those reasons might have been.

People banded together on reddit to share their stories of times their parents got mad at them for the dumbest reason. This list will make you laugh, and might even make you grateful you didn’t grow up in houses like these.


What did you— look that up or something?


Welcome to the house I grew up in.


But Mom, these are YOURS!


Don’t you love household misogyny?


“That’s impossible!”


Oh no, these are just tragic.


No boys allowed!


Ugh, I remember getting yelled at for a 97.


Because: pregnancy.


Nope, you didn’t hurt your foot.


Pepsi? On the … roof? What an accusation!


People, do your research!


Classic pre-internet mom.


I *swear* I was looking for the cat.

Source : https://undefined/humor/2018/09/28/Z1aO4xh/insane-parents