People Are Sharing Advice That Was Passed Onto Them

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“My mom always told me that EVERY woman needs to have at least a path to a career started before settling in with a partner, and always have a way to make income. If the relationship ceases for any reason, you need to be able to take care of yourself without depending on your partner. As a young optimist, I had thought she was being cynical due to the bitter split between her and my dad and shrugged it off. Now I regret that I didn’t listen. I never got to finish my degree, had two kids that needed homeschooling, haven’t worked in years, and can’t leave my marriage because health issues prevent me from doing the only work I’m qualified for.

“If my husband were to be out of work for an extended time, we’d be screwed and it’s created so much unnecessary anxiety and stress, worrying about money. LADIES: put yourself first and make sure that you have a degree, certifications, technical training, whatever. Just having something that makes you employable is a must!”



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