Source: Reddit/AITA/@Ok_Ice_4230

I think some people just lose their minds after a baby is born…and I’m not only talking about mothers and fathers.

Take this story, for example: it sounds like this woman’s mother-in-law is going off the deep end…

But who’s to blame here?

Read on and see what you think.

“I’m not sure what crawled up my MILs *** but her and I got along so well before I got pregnant.

Things have changed dramatically…

She called me her daughter, came over to see me all the time, called me randomly to just talk, told me she loves me all the time, etc. But after I got pregnant, something switched in her. She stopped calling. She never said “I love you” back when I said it. She only came over to see my husband and 9 times out of 10, it was trying to get him out of the house to go with her.

Barely gives me a hello/goodbye in passing. She even tried staying in the labor and delivery room after she was already told no because “her baby needs support”, and clung to my husband’s arm- several times trying to get him to go sit on the couch with her instead of standing by me where he was (she was kicked out by nurses).

The MIL is acting strange…

Since I had my daughter 3 months ago she has come over a good 10-15 times and has literally only held my kid twice.

She just follows my husband around everywhere and still tries to get him to leave with her to go do chores/tasks for her like changing tires, changing oil, fixing her computer, moving around her house, etc etc etc.

And it’s getting worse…

And honestly none of that bothers me nearly as much as her comments about how my daughter looks nothing like me and looks exactly like HER and my husband.

For a bit of context, my husband looks nothing like his mom. He is a spitting image of his father.

His mom is short, blonde, brown eyes. He is super tall, black hair, green eyes. You can’t tell they are related at all. But she insists my daughter looks just like her and my husband and nothing like me. She’s made these comments more times than I can count and I just give a “yeah okay Becky” and leave it.

But yesterday I hosted a dinner for the family and obviously invited her.

She shows up with a scrapbook album with a bunch of photos of her and my husband from birth to present. She was showing/telling everyone who would listen that my daughter was “basically not even mine if you go off of looks”.

My husband spoke up a few times with a clipped “she actually looks just like my wife” but his mom didn’t acknowledge him.

But then she got to my mom and my mom, being a “no nonsense” woman, said “Are you blind or are you just being ignorant? That girl looks just like my daughter and nothing like you.”

This is a tense situation.

Kinda weird to me that you are desperately pushing the narrative that the baby looks like your son AND you considering your son looks nothing like you either.” No one in the house said anything but a few of them were chuckling. My husband also didn’t say anything but he looked more like a deer in headlights than anything.

My MIL then left. She group texted my husband and I later on saying she will never forgive us for not defending her against my mom “making a scene and embarrassing her in front of everyone.” I don’t feel bad. My husband does.


Let’s see what folks had to say on Reddit.

One person made some great points.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another individual made a good point about people who called this story fake.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

One person said this is actually common.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another Reddit user had a story to tell.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This reader has a SIL who sounds pretty intense…

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Such strange behavior…

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
