Mom Who’s Sick Of Hiding Large Birthmark On Half Her Face Proves Her High School Bullies Wrong

Chelsey Peat was born in Canada with Sturge Weber syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that affects the development of certain blood vessels.

The condition is the reason she has a large port wine stain birthmark that covers the left side of her face. She also has a glaucoma in her eye.

As a little girl, Chelsey displayed an incredible amount of strength and bravery. She even underwent brain surgery as a child, during which surgeons removed her occipital lobe to stop her seizures.

Doctors told her parents that she only had a 50 percent chance of living. And if she did survive, they said she had a 50 percent chance of “mental instability.”

Not only that, but Chelsey was the victim of relentless bullying beginning at a young age. Her birthmark kept her from experiencing so many things a young person should; being in public and going to school wasn’t easy.

But as you’re about to see, Chelsey has surpassed all expectations — medical and beyond. She is now 34 years old and has two wonderful kids.

In an effort to prove her high school bullies wrong, Chelsey stepped in front of the camera for a photoshoot. She always dreamt of doing this, but could never find the confidence… until now.

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