One mom decided to go down a giant slide not with her baby in her lap, but rather holding it’s hand in the slide next to her. We break down the video.

Listen, we all make choices in our life. Some choices are good, and some are bad, but only we can be at peace with the choices that we have made both good and bad. Unless of course that choice was put on TikTok for all to see.

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A Mom slides down a giant slide with her baby in a viral video.

mom slides down giant slide baby
Source: TikTok/ @desi4018

While we are not sure who posted the original version, this video of the mom sliding down the giant slide with her baby is literally all over TikTok. In the video, you can see that the mom and the baby sitting at the top of the slide in separate sections.

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Once the mom and the baby start to go down the slide, the baby clearly doesn’t know how to sit up, or maybe the baby does but just doesn’t have enough core strength to hold itself up because, well, it’s a baby, and starts to go flying.

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As the baby goes down the slide, the mom seems to be dragging them along, with the baby banging its head along the way, gaining momentum as it goes. When we say our mouths flew wide open, we mean this in the literal sense.

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And as our mouths flew open, so did the baby. They gained so much air as they were zooming down the slide. The end of the video shows the baby seeming to be ok, but very alarmed about what just happened.

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Comedian and content creator @desi4018 posted a reaction video with his daughter. The video shows them just staring at each other with their hands over their mouths after what they just saw. The caption jokes, “Somebody’s getting homeschooled.”

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This truly is what our faces looked like when we first saw this video. We have so many questions but the main one is why? Why would the mom think that this was a sound idea? Maybe the baby can sit up by themselves but like, go down a slide by themselves? We can’t comprehend. At least put the baby on your lap to go down the slide.

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The people in the comments felt very similarly. One person said, “Omggg I would have been terrified if that was my baby,” while another just commented, “whyyyyyyyyy?!?” A third more seriously writes, “I need to know the result of this. has the mom been charged and more importantly is the baby okay?”

Thankfully, the baby seemed to be fine, just very startled and maybe a little traumatized at what they just went through. We think it’s safe to assume that the mom will not be taking their baby down any more giant slides any time soon.
