Cassidy Hutchinson is back. The former Donald Trump aide became a household name last summer during her bombshell testimony for the House’s Jan. 6 committee. Turns out she had even more stories to tell. Her new book, Enough, in which she reveals things like the shallow reason why her old boss wouldn’t wear a mask at the height of the pandemic. She also accused Rudy Giuliani of groping her with “frozen fingers.” Hutchinson has so much dirt that she saved some for her press tour.

In a new interview with The New York Times (in a bit teased out by The Daily Beast), Hutchinson describes the last days of the Trump administration as being “awash in paranoia.” Things sound like they got very Watergate-era Nixon:

It was, by her telling, an administration awash in paranoia, with Mr. Meadows and others refusing to dispose of daily litter in “burn bags” for fear that someone from the “deep state” might intercept the contents. Instead, she writes, Mr. Meadows burned so many documents in his fireplace in the final days of the Trump presidency that his wife complained to Ms. Hutchinson about how expensive it had become to dry-clean the “bonfire” aroma from his suits.

Granted, Nixon staffers used to shred, not burn, documents, which at least doesn’t leave a foul odor.

Hutchinson also claimed that Meadows once asked her if she would “take a bullet” for the guy who doesn’t even risk breaking a fingernail. She nervously joked that maybe she’d take one in the thigh.

In the meantime, the guy at the center of all this nonsense is back on top with GOP polling, meaning he’ll either wind up back in the presidency or, thanks to the 91 criminal charges against him, in jail. Or both!

(Via NYT and The Daily Beast)
