Even if you were to put all politics aside, it’s hard to deny that Marjorie Taylor Greene is a fairly despicable person. Though she’s been in Congress for less than two years, she has quickly made a name for herself by using any news story or tragedy as a way to amplify her message of hate and intolerance. Considering she ran on the promise to try and impeach Joe Biden on her first day in office — a threat she made good on — her continued bouts of bad behavior should not be surprising to anyone. Yet just when you think she couldn’t get any lower, the Georgia congresswoman manages to outdo herself.

On Thursday, Greene yet again served as the hype woman for Donald Trump during a rally in Iowa in which the former president — who lost the 2020 election — teased that he “will very, very, very probably” run yet again in 2024. But before we got to the main act, Marge acted all a ghoul by complaining that “the only crime victim you hear about from Democrats and the media is Paul Pelosi,” with the mere mention of his name eliciting a series of loud boos from the crowd. Because, sure, why not razz an 82-year old man who just had his skull fractured with a hammer by an unhinged MAGA who broke into his home.

Greene, however, managed to victim-blame Pelosi — husband of Nancy Pelosi — by suggesting that things could have turned out differently had he been packing heat while relaxing at home. And managed to cram a few more of her favorite talking points into mentioning Pelosi’s assault:

Paul Pelosi was brutally attacked by a drugged-out illegal alien that should have been deported. And Paul Pelosi should have been a gun owner and shot his attacker.

So there you have it — a Republican who managed to both victim shame AND wish death upon the perpetrator of a crime in one sentence!

(Via The Recount)

Source: https://uproxx.com/viral/marjorie-taylor-greene-paul-pelosi-guns/