Man Visited By Old Stranger Has No Clue It’s His Masked Son Who Traveled From 2,000 Miles Away

Trevor Simms, 33, traveled from his home in Los Angeles all the way to Kentucky to surprise his parents. He visits them as often as possible, but this time he wanted to try to pull a prank on them.

Trevor showed up at his parents’ house disguised as an old man named Freddie.

“Freddie” was out looking for his dad’s father, Bobby, who’d recently passed away. He walked up to his parents’ front door wearing a super-realistic mask. And we mean super realistic.

“I’m looking for Bobby,” the masked Trevor told his dad.

“Here’s not here,” Dad replied, breaking the news to Freddie that his old man had recently died.

After Trevor pushed back and insisted Bobby was “downstairs,” Dad shut the door right in his face. He had no clue it was Trevor standing there.

Trevor says he was actually surprised his dad didn’t know it was him underneath the mask, but it’s pretty understandable; the mask is eerily realistic!

Trevor knocked on the door once again, and this time his mom answered.

“Bob died in October, sorry!” his mom said, also unaware it was Trevor.

She said they didn’t know of any Freddie, and by this point she was clearly annoyed by their uninvited guest. She shut the door again, hoping he’d go away.

Watch the video below to see Trevor’s dad’s reaction when he finally sees Freddie rip off the mask.

He looks too freaked out to feel excited to see his son …

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