Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Taking His Brother-In-Law to Small Claims Court Over Art Supplies

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I’ve never sued anyone before and I really, REALLY hope I never have to.

Because it seems like a big nightmare AND a big headache.

So this guy must’ve had his reasons for taking his brother-in-law to small claims court.

But did he go too far?

Read his story below and see if you think he acted like an a**hole.

“A bit of context: I (29M) like to draw and try other mediums as well. As such I’ve accumulated a lot of art supplies over the past few years.

My wife (Sally 27F) also dabbles a bit and we have converted one of the rooms in our home to an art studio of sorts. There’s easily a few thousand dollars worth of art supplies in that room and we tend to keep it locked for that reason. Most important to me are my pencils and markers which were not cheap (Chartpak for those who care).

Onto the story: Sally and I had her family over for her aunt’s birthday a few weeks back and my BIL and SIL brought their kids with them (7F and 6M). We had forgotten to lock the door to the room that day. About an hour into the party I noticed that both kids were nowhere to be seen, so I asked my SIL if she knew where they were. She said that they were drawing in the other room. I asked if my wife was with them and she said she (SIL to be clear not Sally) just told them which room it was in.

I immediately rushed over to the art room and found it was a total mess. Most devastatingly was the fact that all my markers were ruined because that kids were using way to much force casing the tips to fray. I yelled at them to get out and they started crying. My BIL ran over and started yelling at me saying they’re just kids and it’s just markers. I told him that the markers alone were 17$ a piece and he said I was stupid for paying that much.

Sally tried to diffuse the situation but my BIL starting yelling at her too saying we can’t have this much art supplies and not expect kids wanting to use it. I told him he’s paying to replace the markers and other supplies they ruined and he told me to go f**k myself and left. Everyone left shortly after that.

I totaled up the damages and I needed to replace about 375$ and found that the kids drew on a piece I had spent the past week working on as well as ruining a finished piece Sally did. I sent him a bill and he blocked me. So I talked with my friend who was lawyer and had him draft a claim for small claims court and a letter to send my BIL (I paid him for this ofc).

My wife is in agreement about this but her family has been mobbing us telling us we’re being ridiculous over some markers. Only my FIL (who also has taken up painting recently) and my other SIL say that BIL has to pay.


Check out how folks reacted on Reddit.

One reader said he’s NTA and said what everyone was thinking out loud: people need to watch their kids.

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 3.24.32 PM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Taking His Brother In Law to Small Claims Court Over Art Supplies

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another reader said he’s leaning toward “Everyone Sucks Here.”

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 3.25.07 PM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Taking His Brother In Law to Small Claims Court Over Art Supplies

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this Redditor said he’s NTA and had some additional thoughts.

Screen Shot 2023 05 14 at 3.25.49 PM Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Taking His Brother In Law to Small Claims Court Over Art Supplies

Photo Credit: Reddit

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