This guy is either a real a**hole or he’s stuck in a really bad situation…

Well, at least that’s what popped into my head when I read the headline of the story he wrote on Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page.

And now it’s up to you to decide what you think about his behavior.

Get started now and see what you think!

“I married my wife about 2 years ago and she has a daughter from a previous relationship. Early on during our dating period, she made it clear that her daughter has a father and she’s not looking for another father for her.

The ground rules were set by her which and that I will be an adult figure but not a parental one. I will have no say in how she is to be brought up and I can’t punish her in anyway. Considering she was 14 when her mom and I met and 15 when we married, I agreed to her rules. My thinking is that she’s already too old for me to make any difference in her life so why make it an issue.

Fast forward a couple of years and my life has been a nightmare. The girl constantly gets into trouble and has been kicked out of several schools (she lived with her father at the time). She had to move in with us so she could attend a new high school in order to graduate.

She’s been suspended several times at this HS but it looks like she’ll graduate on time. While living with us, she’s gotten into 2 car accidents (once when she was drunk) and we had to remortgaged our house to pay her attorney fees and legal bills.

The judge dressed us down in court for not being better parents. I’m not a legal expert at all but from movies and shows, I know that judges can jail you for arguing so I bit my tongue and took it. It was humiliating.

The girl is a couple of months away from being an adult and this weekend, I was out with the guys and she came up in conversation. I complained about how much money I’ve spent bailing her out of trouble and that I can’t wait until she turns 18 so she can face her own consequences. Word got back to my wife and she blew her top. I still don’t think I said anything wrong but I’m staying at a motel tonight.

I want to be clear we’re not kicking her out and considering she doesn’t work, she’ll be living with us for awhile. I’m just waiting for the day she’s an adult so I won’t be yelled at by anymore judges.”

Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.

This person said he’s NTA and he’s a saint for putting up with this BS.

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 9.27.38 AM Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Counting Down the Days Until He’s No Longer Legally Responsible for His Wife’s Daughter

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said they never would have done what this guy has done for this young girl.

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 9.28.07 AM Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Counting Down the Days Until He’s No Longer Legally Responsible for His Wife’s Daughter

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one Reddit user said the real problem here is the mother, not the daughter.

Screen Shot 2023 06 25 at 9.29.18 AM Man Asks if He’s a Jerk for Counting Down the Days Until He’s No Longer Legally Responsible for His Wife’s Daughter

Photo Credit: Reddit

Okay, maybe this guy isn’t bad after all.
