Getting them in takes a bit of practice, so I used this TikTok video for reference the first time, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a breeze.

Many professional piercers prefer flat-back earrings to traditional backings, and I now see why. I’m pleased to report that once I swapped out regular earrings for Maison Miru’s nap earrings, my fresher piercings got significantly less sore and crusty. They’re a great option for piercings that are taking a long time to heal or are otherwise giving you a bit of trouble. I would imagine that they’re also a great option for younger children who have just recently gotten their ears pierced for the first time.

But true to their name, the nap earrings’ biggest selling point is that they really do feel invisible when you sleep on your side or stomach. I like to smash into my pillow or arm and was often woken up by the triad of backings poking into my skin, but no more. You don’t even realize they are there. And as if that weren’t enough, they’re cute as can be! Maison Miru has a fairly generous selection of nap earrings to choose from, so you can pick the ones that best fit your own aesthetic. I have my eyes on the Good Luck nap earrings trio next!

Take a look at a few raves from happy customers, then pick up a few for yourself. The design is a total game changer when it comes to earring comfort, and you can feel good knowing you don’t have to sacrifice style for substance.
