Keanu Reeves Told Stephen Colbert What Happens When We Die And The Answer Is Simple Yet Profound

If there’s one question that most human beings struggle to answer, it’s what happens when we die. It’s one of the most central questions of human existence, along with the meaning of life.

And, um, Keanu Reeves just answered it. We can all pack up and go home! The mystery is solved!

The actor encountered the question during an appearance on The Late Show. Host Stephen Colbert casually asked Keanu: “What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?”

The audience laughed at first, because why would Keanu know?!

But then Keanu sat there and thought for a minute, and he delivered a stunningly poignant answer:

“I know that the ones who love us will miss us.”

Again, the audience briefly chuckled before the truth of the statement hit them, after which they let out a collective “awww.”

Meanwhile, Stephen was speechless.

A clip of the moment made it onto Twitter, where people are having strong reactions.

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