Journalist Screens Mammogram On Facebook Live Not Knowing She’ll Be Diagnosed With Breast Cancer


In October 2018, journalist and news anchor Ali Meyer wanted to help support Breast Cancer Awareness Month by getting her very first mammogram — while broadcasting it live on Facebook for the public to see.

Ali and her team at News4 had been working on breast cancer awareness for the entire month of October. Her intention behind the live-streamed mammograms was to remind other women to schedule theirs.

At the time, the 40-year-old mother of four from Oklahoma City never felt better. Her career was going great, her family was healthy and happy, and she felt like she was in the best shape of her life.

The last thing Ali expected was for the doctors to find anything concerning. She never had suspicious lumps and she had no family history of breast cancer.

The quick routine checkup turned out to be anything but ordinary. In fact, the doctors were about to deliver life-changing news.

And because Ali so bravely shared the following journey online, the whole world was watching.



Footage provided by KFOR Oklahoma City

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