“As many of my comments have said, this is not the biggest issue in the world. There are much more pressing issues the LGBTQIA+ community deal with. But I think erasure is a big problem, and pretending that it’s unimportant does no good. Again, it boils down to platform and audience, and JoJo has a very large one. She has made being gay a focal point of her career. Which, whether she wants to be or not, makes her in part responsible for learning and putting out correct information when talking about queerness in her field.”

“JoJo being young isn’t the excuse that people want it to be. Being young does not exempt her from valid criticism or being held accountable when she fucks up. I’m not saying she (or anyone for that matter) needs to go out tomorrow and become the world’s most knowledgeable queer scholar and never make a mistake again. But knowing at least some of our history in areas relevant to and wholly responsible for what she can do today is not an outlandish thing to want,” @lemongayde concluded.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/jo-jo-siwa-gay-pop-tiktok