Buckle up!

In a move that proves Elon Musk’s ambition knows no bounds, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO has decided to take on a new project: building his own town in the great state of Texas. He wants to create a real-life sci-fi wonderland.

It shall be named Snailbrook, after his Boring Company’s mascot, and his employees will never have to leave it. Ever.

im 739080 Is Elon Musk Really Building His Own Texas Town? Plans Say Yes!

Will it be exploitative like company towns of yore? Who knows, but picture this: an entire town designed by the eccentric mind of Elon Musk with input from his ex and baby mama Clair “Grimes” Boucher and
pal Kanye West.

Screenshot 2023 06 24 at 11.12.02 PM Is Elon Musk Really Building His Own Texas Town? Plans Say Yes!

We’re talking about houses that look like sleek spaceships, with rocket boosters attached just in case you need to make a quick getaway to Mars. And forget about traditional street names like Elm or Oak; Musk’s town will have roads named after famous inventors and scientists, like Nikola Tesla Avenue or Marie Curie Circle. Who needs Google Maps when you can navigate your way using the periodic table?

Screenshot 2023 06 24 at 11.11.50 PM Is Elon Musk Really Building His Own Texas Town? Plans Say Yes!

But that’s not all!

Musk has even bigger plans for his Texas utopia. He wants to have a high-speed transportation system that zips you from one end of the town to the other faster than you can say “Ludicrous Speed.”

We’re talking about Hyperloop-like pods that shoot through vacuum tubes, giving you an adrenaline rush with every commute. Just make sure you don’t spill your coffee, or it might end up on the ceiling.

b941f53e 1946 47d5 9b3b 7a9758fce8dd musktexas travis bastrop properties map  700px Is Elon Musk Really Building His Own Texas Town? Plans Say Yes!

And of course, no Musk project would be complete without some renewable energy magic!

The entire town will be powered by solar panels and wind turbines, making it the greenest place on Earth. The only question now is: Will Elon Musk be the mayor, or will he create an army of robot mayors to rule over his technologically advanced domain?

Time will tell, my friends. Time will tell.

Source: https://twistedsifter.com/2023/06/is-elon-musk-really-building-his-own-texas-town-called-starbase/