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Mustafa Gatollari - Author

You don’t really know how much you like or hate a person until you live with them. There are certain habits that folks have, no matter how great, funny, attractive, or cool we think they are that just get on our nerves. Maybe it’s because everyone feels like they should have their own sanctuary where they can act like themselves. Or maybe it’s because members of our species have very rigid ideas of what is and what is not acceptable human behavior.

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Hanging stuff on random door handles throughout the house. Some people think that this is totally fine and see doors as just movable wall hooks. Others like to be able to open and close their doors without having to worry about something flying toward them or twisting around the door and preventing them from closing it entirely.

There are some folks who like to wash and dry their dishes immediately after they’re done eating so they can put them back in the cupboard, and then you have slobs who think it’s fine to allow all of the dishes to just pile up in the sink, drowning in stagnant, greasy water and creating a nasty cross-contamination scenario.

It’s enough to make a person daydream about different ways to get back at their roommates, something that this woman admitted to doing in a Reddit post.

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Internet Blasts Woman's Hazardous Revenge Plot Against Roommate

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

She penned the story of her co-inhabitant vengeance on Reddit’s r/pettyrevenge sub, where she wrote about an “annoying roommate” who would stay up at all hours of the night, every night, writing a novel.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

The fact that she was deciding to stay up late didn’t really bother OP (username @Singe42) all that much. But what did bother her was a floor lamp that her roommate would place right next to the door of her room.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

It was a tall lamp, which meant that everytime OP left her room she was hit in the face by said lamp, not to mention she was getting blinded every single time she walked into it.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

She moved the lamp several times to the other side of the room, closer to where her roommate slept, however, the burgeoning novelist seemed to like the placement of the lamp closer to OP’s room.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

So the Redditor decided to hatch a revenge plot that would once and for all solve her lamp-in-face woes while also protecting her from any suspicion: she decided to cut the cord of the light, but did it in such a way that the cord wasn’t entirely severed.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

This involved her unscrewing the base of the lamp and trimming just enough of the cable so that it was still connected so it appeared like nothing was wrong. Her roommate tried to find out what was wrong with the lamp, but eventually just chalked it up to being broken.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

The lamp was then placed in the roommate’s closet, never to be brought into the living room again.

A number of Redditors called the revenge plot extremely immature, as partially severing the wire of the lamp while it was still plugged in could’ve easily lead to an electrical fire.

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college roommate dangerous revenge

Source: Reddit | @Singe42

Pretty soon the conversation in the comments section shifted to theoretical scenarios where investigators have to determine whether or not intentional arson was committed.

But for the most part, people thought OP did a pretty grimy thing.

What do you think? Do the Redditors calling her out for cutting the cord have a point? Or are they just being a bunch of nerds?
