Ibn al-Baytar was was an Andalusian Arab physician, botanist, pharmacist, and scientist.

His main contribution was to systematically record the additions made by Islamic physicians in the Middle Ages, which added between 300 and 400 types of medicine

He was a student of Abu al-Abbas al-Nabati.

His most widely read book is his “Compendium on Simple Medicaments and Foods”. It is a pharmaceutical encyclopedia listing 1400 plants, foods, and drugs, and their uses.

Ibn al-Baytar’s second major work is “Kitab al-Mughni fi al-Adwiya al-Mufrada”, an encyclopedia of Islamic medicine which includes his knowledge of plants used extensively for the treatment of various diseases related to the head, ear, eye, etc.

In 1224 A.D., the 4th Ayyubid sultan of Egypt designated Ibn al Baytar as a chief herbalist.

Ibn al Baytar has influenced both the Eastern and Western worlds of medicine through his botanical research.
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