I Tried Making My Own Zero-Waste Honey-Lavender Facial Cleanser

Confession time: Beyond the everyday basics of personal hygiene, I’ve never been one for more advanced and intricate forms of female maintenance, especially if a series of steps are involved. Sure, I like to look, smell, and feel my best, but a ten-step Korean skincare routine girl, I am not. Nevertheless, as I stroll further along in my 30’s, I’ve begun to think more about better ways to take care of myself, inside and out.

I’ve always been enraptured with the idea of arts, crafts, and DIY projects, but would often psyche myself out with how “difficult” it would be for me to learn or create something from scratch. I was just afraid of trying something new, and a likely a bit lazy as well. Can you blame me though? A quick search on an online beauty story for facial cleansers yields some 297 results. Why reinvent the wheel when there are so many options already out there and picking up a bottle of cleanser is as easy as perusing your local drug store?

In an effort to stop the excuses, and turn over a new, more holistic leaf, I decided that creating my own DIY, zero-waste skincare routine is a perfect way for me to support sustainability, and my health and wellness at the same time. As previously mentioned, I take very little pleasure in traditional grooming techniques, but making my own skincare products seems like a fun, safe, and easy way to get myself into the groove of creating something with my own two hands. First up: a honey-lavender face wash.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/i-tried-zero-waste-facial-cleanser/