With those basic guidelines in mind, let’s pick out an outfit. First up, a top. Here are the rules for choosing a shirt:

1. If you bend over, and you can see your belly button or even the top of your chest down your shirt, it’s a no-go.

2. If you press on your shirt right above your breastbone and it “spring[s] back,” it’s too tight. Note: “Well-endowed ladies need to be extra careful!”

3. For button-downs, put your hands on your hips and try to touch your elbows together in the back. If there’s a gap, it’s too tight.

4. Your shirt must have sleeves and cover your upper arms and back. 

5. Don’t wear a top that has “writing or a message” because “a confident lady has the good taste not to use her bosom as a billboard.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/ridiculous-catholic-school-outfit-guidelines